New wind energy record in Austria

On Sunday, 12.01.2025, Austria set another wind power record with a daily production of 81.28 GWh! This means that 60 percent of the electricity in Austria's grid was once again generated by wind power.

The wind power generated on Sunday, January 12th can supply around 23,000 households with electricity for an entire year. This success illustrates the enormous potential of wind power in Austria. In a European comparison, Austria even secured first place for wind power on this day - ahead of Spain and Estonia, which are also traditionally strong wind power nations.

“The recent daily record shows how important wind power is for an independent and affordable energy supply in Austria. We must continue to drive this development forward and improve the framework conditions for the expansion of renewable energies,” emphasizes Florian Maringer, Managing Director of IG Windkraft. The potential of wind power in Austria is far from exhausted. It could supply 25 TWh of electricity per year by 2030.

2024 was a record year for wind power

Over the entire last year 2024, wind power covered 16% of Austria's electricity supply for the first time (source: “Wind power is a mainstay of Austria's energy supply. It has its greatest generation capacity in autumn and winter, when electricity consumption is particularly high. Together with hydropower and photovoltaics, wind power can ensure a secure year-round supply with as much renewable energy 'Made in Austria' as possible,” says Maringer.