Who are the clever minds at EWS?
The experts at EWS with their years of experience going back to 1994 make them internationally sought-after partners.
DI (FH) Wolfgang NeuhoferManaging Director
+43 7744 20 141 - 24+43 664 82 03 686w.neuhofer@ews-consulting.com
DI DI Lukas WinklerManaging Director
+43 7744 20 141 - 74+43 664 85 49 725l.winkler@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Gerhard Steindl, MSc Managing Director
+43 664 23 03 500g.steindl@ews-consulting.com
Joachim PayrManaging Director
+43 7744 20 141 - 28+43 664 51 31 140j.payr@ews-consulting.com
DI Markus BernardiHead of Department | Construction
+43 664 85 49 730m.bernardi@ews-consulting.com
Robert GramlingerHead of Department | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 29+43 664 85 49 621r.gramlinger@ews-consulting.com
Mag. Markus SagederHead of Department | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 7744 20 141 - 39+43 664 85 49 724m.sageder@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Mag. rer.nat. Norbert DorfingerTeam Leader and Business Unit Manager | Project Development
+43 7744 20 141 - 49+43 664 88 36 99 07n.dorfinger@ews-consulting.com
Julia Lauss, MScTeam Leader | Permit
+43 7744 20 141 - 36+43 664 85 49 721j.lauss@ews-consulting.com
Matthias Mitterhauser, MScTeam Leader | Construction Wind
+43 664 88 44 00 68m.mitterhauser@ews-consulting.com
David Schedlberger, MScTeam Leader | Wind expertises
+43 7744 20 141 - 47+43 664 85 49 625d.schedlberger@ews-consulting.com
DI Sebastian SohmTeam Leader | Permit
+43 664 88 36 99 10s.sohm@ews-consulting.com
Anna StaudacherTeam Leader | Internal Services
+43 664 85 49 726a.staudacher@ews-consulting.com
Christiane Steinbacher, MScTeam Leader | Biology
+43 664 24 73 442c.steinbacher@ews-consulting.com
Aron Varga, MScTeam Leader | Construction Wind
+43 664 24 97 237a.varga@ews-consulting.com
Dipl. Geogr. Matthias Wozel, MScTeamleader | Acoustic
+43 7744 20 141 - 44+43 664 24 85 091m.wozel@ews-consulting.com
Erika AchsTeam Assistant | Internal Services
+43 664 88 51 25 66e.achs@ews-consulting.com
Marina AltenbergerHuman Resources
+43 664 88 44 00 60m.altenberger@ews-consulting.com
Tamara BalatinacTeam Assistant | Internal Services
+43 664 84 40 049t.balatinac@ews-consulting.com
DI Verena BernardiProject Leader | Project Development
+43 664 85 49 348v.bernardi@ews-consulting.com
DI Fabian BoudaProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 84 40 048f.bouda@ews-consulting.com
DI Martin BrettlProject Leader | Construction
+43 664 85 49 915m.brettl@ews-consulting.com
DI Michael BrunthalerProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 84 40 032m.brunthaler@ews-consulting.com
Maximilian DanielProject Leader | Project Development
+43 664 88 44 00 54m.daniel@ews-consulting.com
Simone Decker, MScProject Leader | Biology
+43 664 78 00 75 60s.decker@ews-consulting.com
DI Pia DietachmairProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 78 02 82 02p.dietachmair@ews-consulting.com
DI Anita DobiProject Assistant | Construction
+43 664 88 51 25 26a.dobi@ews-consulting.com
Michaela Falk, MScProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 33+43 664 85 49 892m.falk@ews-consulting.com
Fabien Farella, MScR & D Engineer | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 7744 20 141 - 37+43 664 24 87 703f.farella@ews-consulting.com
Sebastian Fetter, BScProject Assistant | Construction
+43 664 24 85 813s.fetter@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Bernhard FürböckProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 43+43 664 88 36 99 19b.fuerboeck@ews-consulting.com
Mario GeyerCAD Designer and Project Leader | Construction
+43 664 84 88 420m.geyer@ews-consulting.com
Karin GrabnerHuman Resources
+43 7744 20 141 - 25+43 664 85 49 044k.grabner@ews-consulting.com
Matthias GrafProject Assistant | Construction
+43 664 88 44 00 67m.graf@ews-consulting.com
Denise GratzerDepartment Assistant | Construction
+43 7744 20 141 - 70+43 664 85 49 720d.gratzer@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Constantin GregerProject Leader | Construction
+43 664 24 98 003c.greger@ews-consulting.com
Daniel Groder, MScProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 88 51 41 24d.groder@ews-consulting.com
Thomas Hadner, BScProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 84 40 046t.hadner@ews-consulting.com
Heinrich Halama, BScProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 24 90 758h.halama@ews-consulting.com
Robert HaslingerAccounting and Controlling
+43 664 84 40 035r.haslinger@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Karl-Heinz HoferProject Leader | Construction
+43 664 85 49 728k.hofer@ews-consulting.com
Klaus JägerHead of IT
+43 664 88 44 00 64k.jaeger@ews-consulting.com
Lukas JungProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 24 98 939l.jung@ews-consulting.com
Michael KirchtagWind Measurement Technician | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 88 51 41 25m.kirchtag@ews-consulting.com
Viktória KissCAD Designer | Construction
+43 664 88 44 00 65v.kiss@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Christian KleemaierProject Leader | Construction
+43 664 85 49 138c.kleemaier@ews-consulting.com
Christoph Kleinbruckner, MScProject Leader | Biology
+43 664 88 51 38 70c.kleinbruckner@ews-consulting.com
Laura Koch, MScProject Leader | Biology
+43 664 52 67 614l.koch@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Wolfgang KohlbacherProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 18+43 664 88 51 24 43 w.kohlbacher@ews-consulting.com
DI Stanislava KollarikCAD Designer | Construction
+43 664 24 90 193s.kollarik@ews-consulting.com
Nicole KopcsaProject Leader | Biology
+43 664 88 51 45 37n.kopcsa@ews-consulting.com
Dominik Kranl, BScProject Leader | Biology
+43 664 78 02 82 01d.kranl@ews-consulting.com
Helmut KücherCAD Designer | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 22+43 664 54 02 506h.kuecher@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Gerhard LamprechtProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 54 02 505g.lamprecht@ews-consulting.com
Julia LengyelvariProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 88 36 99 18j.lengyelvari@ews-consulting.com
DI Peter LitzlbauerProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 24 70 741p.litzlbauer@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Rene LutschCAD Designer | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 20+43 664 85 49 916r.lutsch@ews-consulting.com
Thomas MaierProject Leader | Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 30+43 664 24 72 629t.maier@ews-consulting.com
Manuel ManglbergerTechnical Management Mast Measurement | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 7744 20 141 - 42+43 664 88 36 99 01m.manglberger@ews-consulting.com
René MichaleczCAD Designer | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 88 44 00 66r.michalecz@ews-consulting.com
DI Alina MirwaldProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 78 00 75 69a.mirwald@ews-consulting.com
Esther Mirwald, MScProject Leader Process Development
+43 664 84 40 004e.mirwald@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Fabian Neubacher, MScProject Leader | Project Development
+43 664 84 40 036f.neubacher@ews-consulting.com
Mads Dalsgaard Nielsen, MScTechnical Management RSD Measurement | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 7744 20 141 - 26+43 664 24 93 409m.nielsen@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Jürgen PaschkeProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 84 40 031j.paschke@ews-consulting.com
Sandra PichlerDepartment Assistant | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 85 49 918s.pichler@ews-consulting.com
Stefan PlaggProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 24 80 304s.plagg@ews-consulting.com
Rudolf PollhammerWind Farm Maintenance Manager | Operation
+43 664 88 36 99 13r.pollhammer@ews-consulting.com
Magdalena PraxlDepartment Assistant | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 78 00 76 33m.praxl@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Thomas PreisProject Leader | Construction
+43 664 85 49 624t.preis@ews-consulting.com
Sorina Schafflinger, BATeam Assistant | Internal Services
+43 7744 20 141 - 14+43 664 35 79 613s.schafflinger@ews-consulting.com
Julian Schauerhuber, BScProject Leader | Project Development
+43 664 52 67 613j.schauerhuber@ews-consulting.com
Sandra SchinwaldDepartment Assistant | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 7744 20 141 - 11+ 43 664 12 39 420s.schinwald@ews-consulting.com
Mag.phil. Andrea SchoßleitnerMarketing
+43 7744 20 141 - 16+43 664 24 84 886a.schossleitner@ews-consulting.com
Tobias SchratteneckerIT Management
+43 664 84 40 009t.schrattenecker@ews-consulting.com
Anna-Rosa SchubAccounting
+43 664 88 51 24 41a.schub@ews-consulting.com
Julia Schuster, BScProject Leader | Biology
+43 664 88 51 35 63j.schuster@ews-consulting.com
Sophie Seewald, MScProject Leader | Biology
+43 664 85 49 727s.seewald@ews-consulting.com
Bernadette SternbauerTeam Assistant | Internal Services
+43 7744 20 141 23+43 664 78 00 76 31b.sternbauer@ews-consulting.com
Markus StipsitsProject Leader | Construction
+43 664 78 02 82 03m.stipsits@ews-consulting.com
Marco Stockinger MScProject Leader | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 88 51 33 73m.stockinger@ews-consulting.com
Helena SperlIT Management
+43 664 84 40 028h.sperl@ews-consulting.com
DI (FH) Gerhard ThalhammerSales Director | Project Development
+43 7744 20141 - 48+43 664 85 49 917g.thalhammer@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Tristan TheilCAD Designer | Permit, Engineering and Operation
+43 664 88 51 41 23t.theil@ews-consulting.com
DI Eva VoglspergerProject Leader | Project Development
+43 7744 20 141 - 19+43 664 88 51 24 42e.voglsperger@ews-consulting.com
Michael WanjuraProject Leader | Operation
+43 664 88 51 25 28m.wanjura@ews-consulting.com
Verena Weing, BAQuality Management and Marketing
+43 7744 20 141 - 15+43 664 85 49 894v.weing@ews-consulting.com
Maria Wind, MScProject Leader | Measurement and Evaluation
+43 664 54 02 504m.wind@ews-consulting.com
Ing. Norbert Zierhofer, Bakk. techn. MScCTO and Sales | Biology
+43 664 24 91 281n.zierhofer@ews-consulting.com
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