

Find out here what's new at EWS!

EWS Sonnenfeld Potsdam, Auftraggeber Max-Planck-Institut©EWS Consulting GmbH


EWS is building two EWS Sonnenfelder® in September 2024.

mehr zu EWS is building two EWS Sonnenfelder® in September 2024.
© Fraunhofer ISE. Electricity generation costs for renewable energies and conventional power plants at locations in Germany in 2024. Specific LCOE are taken into account with a minimum and a maximum value for each technology.


Solar and wind power cheaper than electricity from fossil-fuelled power plants.

mehr zu Solar and wind power cheaper than electricity from fossil-fuelled power plants.
EWS Büro Wien, Leopold-Ungar-Platz 2, Stiege 1, Top 1, 1190 Wien


Good News for Vienna!

mehr zu Good News for Vienna!
Doppelnutzung am EWS Sonnenfeld ergmöglicht Solarstromerzeugung, Landwirtschaft und die Steigerung der Biodiversität


Fast-track to ElWG submission

mehr zu Fast-track to ElWG submission
die größte Agri-PV Anlage ÖsterreichsFoto: EWS Consulting GmbH


One of the largest agri-PV projects in Europe is being built in Burgenland.

mehr zu One of the largest agri-PV projects in Europe is being built in Burgenland.
EWS EPC GmbH, Sonnenfeld Potsdam, Max-Planck-Institut


The first EWS Sonnenfeld® for Germany

mehr zu The first EWS Sonnenfeld® for Germany
EWS Sonnenfeld, Agri-PV-Anlage mit Mehrfachnutzung, vorrangiger landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung, maximaler Stromerzeugung


"Watts & Wheat" - PV as a business model for agriculture

mehr zu "Watts & Wheat" - PV as a business model for agriculture
113 UVP-Verfahren positiv von EWS abgewickelt


Authorisation granted for Sigmundsherberg wind farm in the Waldviertel.

mehr zu Authorisation granted for Sigmundsherberg wind farm in the Waldviertel.
EWS Sonnenfeld Pellendorf


Technical management of the EWS Sonnenfeld Pellendorf agri-PV plant by EWS

mehr zu Technical management of the EWS Sonnenfeld Pellendorf agri-PV plant by EWS


Maximum yield and satisfied residents

mehr zu Maximum yield and satisfied residents
Windrad Muf 01, Vestas V136, Nabenhöhe 166 m, 3,6 MW


Wind power production at Munderfing wind farm for 7,260 hours a year.

mehr zu Wind power production at Munderfing wind farm for 7,260 hours a year.
Windstromrekord in Österreich im Jänner 2024Foto: Astrid Knie


Wind power record in January 2024

mehr zu Wind power record in January 2024