

EWS Sonnenfeld Pellendorf (Lower Austria)

Gugelsolar GmbH has planned, supplied and implemented an agrivoltaic system in the municipality of Gaweinstal in Lower Austria with EWS as EPC contractor. Together with four wind turbines, for which EWS also handled the construction management, this is the first hybrid park of its kind to generate green electricity.

Yield data EWS Sonnenfeld Pellendorf

  • 3.2 ha agricultural use (80 % optimised land use for agriculture)
  • 0.72 ha for increasing biodiversity (18 % flower strips, bee pastures, fallow land)
  • 0.08 ha for solar power production (2 % PV plant)

Annual electricity production: 4,267 MWh
Energy for: 1,219 households (household electricity)
CO2 savings in 25 years: 95,216 t

Status: 2023 start of regular operations

Yield data Gugelberg wind farm

3 x Vestas V112, hub height 143m, 3.3 MW each (2017)
1 x Vestas V162, hub height 169m, 6.2 MW (2023)

Annual electricity production: 44,300 MWh
Energy for: 14,700 households (household electricity)

Special features

The combination of wind energy and agri-PV has several advantages:

  •     Maximum increase in yields through triple utilisation of the area
  •     Maximum utilisation of available grid capacities and integration stations
  •     Cost savings through joint utilisation/procurement of cable infrastructure and grid transmission
  •     Increased grid stability through stabilisation of annual electricity production
  •     Maximum system compatibility for power grids and self-consumption systems
  •     Optimised operational management through higher-level PV and wind farm control
  •     Rapid and cost-effective implementation with minimal land consumption


Solar field for municipalities, energy communities and power farmers

Due to the fact that an area is used twice with agri-PV systems, there is no competition with food production. They merely double the proceeds from already existing and cultivated land and increase biodiversity.

Facts and figures

    80 % optimised land use for agriculture
    18 % flower strips
    2 % PV system

Project folder for download (in German)